Prof.'in Dr. Tatiana von Landesberger
Tatiana von Landesberger is a full professor of computer science visualization at the University of Cologne, Germany. Her research focuses on information visualization and visual analysis of networks and spatio-temporal data with applications in medicine, biology, finance, and transportation. She has a high number of publications at top conferences and journals. Her work on visual analysis of disease spreading has been awarded at VIS 2020. She is full chair of the EuroVis conference.
Research interests
- Visual Graph Analysis
- Time Series Analysis
- Visual Analysis of Movement Data
- Information Visualization
- Perception issues of Visualization
- Interaction
- Visualization for Machine Learning
- Machine Learning for Visualization
- Lecture and Exercises, ”Visualisierung”, Bachelor and Master
- Lecture and Exercises, “Visual Analytics”, Master
- Practical course “Visual Analytics Praktikum”, Master
- Seminar “Interaktive Visuelle Datenanalyse”, Bachelor and Master
- Burgen Scholar Award Academia Europaea 2015
- Reviewer Award
- IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2014
- Paper award
- IEEE VIS 2020, CGA 2017, CGA 2015, VDA 2010
- Poster award
- IEEE VIS 2016
Community Service and Memberships
- Reviewer (peer-reviewed publications):
- IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, EG Eurographics, EG/IEEE EuroVis, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Elsevier Computers & Graphics, SAGE Information Visualization, IEEE VIS, IEEE PacificVis, EG EuroVA, Graph Drawing
- Reviewer (Funding):
- BMBF Big Data Ausschreibung 2013, Humboldt Stiftung Fellowships 2017, FWF Austria 2018, DFG Sonderforschungsbereich 2019 and 2022
- Conference and Workshops:
- Full Paper Chair
- EG EuroVis 2020 & 2021, EG EuroVA 2018, 2019, VMV 2014
- Poster Chair
- IEEE VIS 2018 & 2019, IEEE Vis Paper Chair 2023, IEEE VIS Doctoral Colloquium 2016, 2017,
- Scientific organization:
- Workshop MLNetVis 2019, Dagstuhl Seminar 2019, DFG SPP Visual Analytics Workshop 2013, Workshop Big Data 2013
- Full Paper Chair
- International Program committee:
- IEEE VIS, EuroVis, EuroVA, EuroVis SP, VMV, Graph Drawing, VisGuides
- Distinct service:
- Best paper committee
- EuroVis 2014, IEEE VIS 2021, 2022
- EuroVis Steering Committee Member 2021-
- Associate Editor Computer Graphics Forum Journal 2021 -
- Best paper committee
- Memberships:
- Eurographics, Gesellschaft für Informatik
Memberships in committees
- Self-Administration, University of Cologne
- Deputy Head of Institute, Institute of Computer Science, UzK
- Member of the Faculty Council, Mat.-Nat. Faculty, UzK
- Doctoral Representative, Department of Computer Science, UzK
- Member of Exam Office, Master of Computer Science, UzK
- Science Council, University of Cologne
- Center for Data and Simulation Science, Member of Board of Directors
- Graduate School GraMatIk, Member
- Current Projects (Projekte (
- BMBF WarmWorld WarmWorld (
- BMBF Medizininformatik RISK PRINCIPE
- DFG Visual Analytics for Event-based Diffusion on Networks SANE
- Past Projects
- BMBF Medizininformatik HiGHmed
- NUM Medizininformatik CODEX+
- DFG SPP Visual Analytics VAMMI DFG - GEPRIS - Visual Analytics Methods for Modeling in Medical Imaging
- DFG Visual Pairwise Comparison DFG - GEPRIS - Paarweiser visueller Vergleich von gerichteten, azyklischen Graphen: Entwicklung von Gestaltungsrichtlinien basierend auf Mensch-Maschine Interaktion
- DIVID-DJ Volkswagenstiftung new/s/leak (
- Research Collaborations
- Key Profile Area Intelligent Methods for Earth System Sciences
- Ausgewählte Eingeladene Vorträge:
- Keynote Speaker, BioVis 2022
- ICG Lab Talk series, Johannes Keppler Universität, Linz, Österreich
Publications (selection)
- von Landesberger, T., Kuijper, A., Schreck, T., Kohlhammer, J., van Wijk, J.J., Fekete, J.-.-D. and Fellner, D.W. (2011), Visual Analysis of Large Graphs: State-of-the-Art and Future Research Challenges. Computer Graphics Forum, 30: 1719-1749.
- Schreck, T., Bernard, J., von Landesberger, T., & Kohlhammer, J. (2009). Visual Cluster Analysis of Trajectory Data with Interactive Kohonen Maps. Information Visualization, 8(1), 14–29.
- T. von Landesberger, F. Brodkorb, P. Roskosch, N. Andrienko, G. Andrienko and A. Kerren, "MobilityGraphs: Visual Analysis of Mass Mobility Dynamics via Spatio-Temporal Graphs and Clustering," in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 11-20, 31 Jan. 2016, doi:
- Andrienko, G., Andrienko, N., Bremm, S., Schreck, T., Von Landesberger, T., Bak, P. and Keim, D. (2010), Space-in-Time and Time-in-Space Self-Organizing Maps for Exploring Spatiotemporal Patterns. Computer Graphics Forum, 29: 913-922.
- S. Bremm, T. von Landesberger, M. Heß, T. Schreck, P. Weil and K. Hamacherk, "Interactive visual comparison of multiple trees," 2011 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), Providence, RI, USA, 2011, pp. 31-40, doi: