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Topic request for theses

The Chair of Visualization and Visual Analytics offers the possibility to write research-oriented bachelor and master theses in the fields of visualization and visual analytics.

Theses can be written at our department in the following study programms:

  • Computer Science
  • Business-Informatics / Information Systems
  • Mathematics with minor Computer Science
  • Business-Mathematics

The thesis is a very important part of the study, to which one should dedicate oneself with full power and time. Therefore, the selection of the topic as well as the supervisor is very important and should be well considered.

If you are interested, please send an email to visva.lehre[at]

Explain in this email: Which degree program you are attending, which relevant lectures you have listened to, what previous knowledge you have (also outside the university), the desired time frame for the thesis and where your interests lie in the field of visualization and visual analytics.

If you already have an idea for a possible topic for your thesis, feel free to suggest this as well.

Feel free to structure your email in response to the following questions:

  1. Why are you interested in writing a thesis at the Chair of Visualization and Visual Analytics? How did you hear about us?
  2. What interests you in Visualization and Visual Analytics?
  3. Have you already successfully completed the course(s) Visualization, Visual Analytics, Seminar Interactive Visualization and/or Practicum Visual Analytics? If yes, which topics and aspects do you find exciting?
  4. Which lectures and concentrations have you successfully completed so far in your studies? Which of these did you enjoy?
  5. What programming experience do you have?
  6. What skills relevant to visualization and visual analytics (ex: Programming, Literature Research, Critical Thinking, Perception, Experimentation, Evaluation, Machine Learning, Data Analysis, Creative Aspects, Presentation, Writing, Visual Design, Media Technology, ...) have you acquired (in your studies or in the job)? What knowledge would you like to use in your work? What do you enjoy doing?
  7. What would it mean for you to work on a topic at the chair of Visualization and Visual Analytics? What alternative topics from other chairs would you work on?
  8. What would be your preferred topic area?
  9. Other comments/ Information